Fade to grey...
This is recently one of my favourite outfits. Simple, comfortable and versatile. I can wear it to work, to a restaurant, a cinema or for a walk. It is now spring in London so I just change boots for ballerina flats as these boots are really warm - too warm for me if a temperature outdoors is far above 0 degrees. I bought two pieces of today's outfit in Primark, a chain of extremely cheap shops I honestly despise as I imagine how little the workers sewing these clothes must earn. Yet I tend to go there about twice a year and buy flats for £4, knowing they will be completely worn out after a few months. They are poor quality but very comfortable and were a staple of my footwear in India, where I needed shoes that can be worn for a whole day and which I won't regret to throw away later. As for clothes, this top is my first thing bought in Primark. It looks a bit like Chloe's designs, only the fabric is simple cotton and not sophisticated silk. I would really like to refrain from buying clothes in such cheap shops as I find it unethical, however sometimes I like a piece too much to dwell upon the conditions, in which it was made. I bought this bag a few years ago when I lived in Berlin. I fell in love with it from the first sight and just had to have it. Some elements of it (the lady's hair, lips and scarf) are made from sequins, so the bag is quite flashy and a real eye catcher. It can be worn like I have it on the picture or the straps can be removed and it becomes literally a handbag. The picture on the left is by Antonio Briceno, a Venezuelan photographer, whose works I saw this summer on the Venice Biennale. The picture on the right has once again been taken on the flea market in Camden Passage in my neighbourhood.![](http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj82/Aesthetikophilos/Zestaw7.jpg)
Top - Primark
Jeans - Lee
Boots - Primark
Earrings - Accessorize
Torba jest świetna! Sama bym taką chciała
Ach jak pięknie! Doskonałość...
Rewelacyjny top ! Torba orginalna i niepowtarzalna. Prosty stroj + ciekawy dodatek to chyba najlepszy zestaw ;-)
Pozdrawiam ;*
O, a mój komentarz sie chyba nie ukazał!
Dziekuje Wam, dziewczyny. Torba, jak juz napisalam, zachwycila mnie od razu.
Pyza: Nie dostalam komentarza od Ciebie :(
Badzo mi się podoba. Wszystko świetnie razem wygląda. I ta torba, która zachwyca=)
Uwielbiam taki fason bluzek. a torebka mnie urzekła... :)
torba jest cuudna! czy ma moze odpinany pasek?
Ciesze sie, ze Wam sie podoba :)
Jgn: Tak, torba ma odpinany pasek, wiec mozna ja nosic w lapce, albo tak przelozona przez ramie, jak na zdjeciu.
I see that the whole blog gets nothing but sweet and glorified comments. Well, mine will be honest, so probably wont even get published. I will say it anyway though. The top looks cheap, it looks Primak. But if you like it, great.
What really gets to me is when people talk about "ethical", about poor little workers in Bangladesh, how concerned they are about the conditions in factories.
But yet the same people have no shame in wearing clothes made that way. Even more, no shame to photograph themselves in those clothes, publish it on their blog and then talk about "ethical".
If someone is poor and cant afford anything else, I can understand why they have to go to Primak. Although Oxfam could also be an option.
But if someone like you talks about ethical and then buys this stuff "because they liked it so much"? Then it's just pure hypocrisy!
Świetna bluzka, ostatnio poluję na taką po ciuchlandach, na razie bez powodzenia :)
Nie pamiętam, co napisałam za pierwszym razem. Widocznie coś namieszałam a wiedząc, że moderujesz komentarze, nie przejęłam się najpierw brakiem publikacji.
Piękna bluzka, a i torba kapitalna. Nie pomyślałabym, że szary i pomarańczowy tak fajnie do siebie pasują. :)
Anonymous: I publish critical comments as well, don't worry. You suggest, however, that the other comments aren't honest, which I believe isn't true. I hope people who write they compliment my stule really like it.
Anyway, let's get to the point. I don't think the top looks very cheap. It certainly doesn't look expensive, but whether it looks for a £10 or a £30 top it's not the most important thing. You wrote I have no shame putting pictures of me in unethically made clothes on my blog and at the same time writting how I despise Primark. You're right, I have no shame. I'm not a saint and I am not always consequent. Sure I wish I had guts to put this top away - I wish I could not enter this shop at all! But I'm not that strong yet (and as as I mentioned - it's the only piece of Primark clothing I possess).
Aklat: Powodzenia w polowaniu!
Pyza: Szary do wszystkiego pasuje, moim zdaniem. No, moze poza brazem, wtedy wyglada dosc nudno.
I'm joining the discussion on ethical aspects of clothes buying. Let's be honest: Clothes are not about ethics, they are about vanity, and buying cheap stuff might be unethical, but so is buying a few thousand dollar dress, for which sum you could provide food for a few villages in Africa. And you never know, buying smth made in China or India (and most of the clothes are made there), whether you are paying more bcs the maker gets more money or bcs the particular branch is cheating you more blatantly and charging you more for the same stuff.
Ok then. I didnt say the other comments are not true, please dont put words in my mouth and dont suggest that I'm offending your readers.
I'm just stating the fact. I have not seen a single comment on this blog saying anything other than "oh, you are so great!" And that just doesn't happen in nature!
As for Primak, you say that the top is the only thing that you owe from them. That's not entirely true, is it? On this blog only I found two other items: shoes on the same picture and beads earlier.
As for whether the top looks cheap or not, well that's just a matter of taste, really.
It's not about how much something costs. Cheap can have much wider meaning, including poor quality, unethical manufacturing. A trained eye will look at something and will spot the difference immidiatley.
To me a nice/good piece of clothing is not only about the design, colour.
But also, if not more importantly about the quality of the fabric, detail of tailoring and yes, the ethics behind it.
The clothes I wear must feel good to my eyes, to my skin and to my conscience. Otherwise it's just vain and superficial. Style is a bit more than just the way things look.
Wearing clothes only because they look good, even if they feel horribly uncomfortable is making yourself a fashion victim in the worst sense of this word.
If calling yourself week is your excuse, well, fine.
But please, dont talk about ethical and dont feel sorry for children workers in Sri Lanka when in next sentence you will be praising benefits of shopping in Primak.
Because this is just a disgrace to those kids.
Dokładnie: prosto i wygodnie. Z rozpuszczonymi włosami jest Ci uroczo, naprawdę :))
A dodatkowo jeszcze ta fenomenalna bluzka ze szczegółami skupiającymi mój wzrok na niej na dłużej: guziczki, kolor, fason!
Peek-a-boo: I agree that buying cheap stuff is as unethical as buying somthing ridiculously expensive. But I don't believe that clothes are about vanity, not ethics. I don't buy only ethically manufactured clothes for many reasons: 1) there are too few ethical brands; 2) their clothes are mostly very expensive, more expensive than I can afford it; 3) I wear small sizes and ethically manufactured clothes are usually in bigger sizes or tent-like shapes; 4) ethical clothes usually do look ugly; 5) I don't want to become ethically obsessive and be fanatical about the ways clothes are manufactured.
Anonymous: You haven't seen comments critising me or my style because if someone doesn't like my blog they refrain from commenting or looking at it after the first time. Easy. I also don't comment clothes that i don't like, I just can't be bothered. If someone is presenting an outfit I presume they like it, so what's the point in my telling this person that I don't like their clothes? They are not interested whether I like it or not, they're happy with their style and it's fine. I don't need to point out how ugly or cheap-looking a piece is.
When I wrote that this top is my only Primark thing, I meant clothes (I wrote: "It's the only piece of Primark CLOTHING I possess"). I have a few pairs of their shoes and 2 necklaces.
Of course style is much more than just how clothes look. I've never said I have a great style. I'm still looking for it and the Oscar Wilde's quoatation reflects what I think about style. I'm certainly not a fashion victim as I don't wear all the latest trends and have better things to do than follow every trend that is 'in'.
If you don't like my writing, don't read it. And don't put words in my mouth that I haven't uttered. I've never praised benefits of shopping in Primark and never said I'm sorry for children in Sri Lanka.
Lansernia: :)
Kasiej: Dzieki, z wlosow nigdy nie jestem w pelni zadowolona, ale widze, ze nie jest tak zle :)
A bluzka, jak widzisz z komentarzy anonimowej osoby, wzbudza kontrowersje. Nie wszystkim sie podoba, i dobrze. Byloby nudno, gdyby kazdy sie zachwycal :)
Po pierwsze: Podoba mi się torba (mimo że nie lubię rzeczy z twarzą). Fajnie ożywia cały zestaw.
Po drugie: Wow. Ale dyskusja. Nie chciałabym się licytować, kto jest słabszy, bo w sumie nie ma się czym chwalić, ale nigdy nie miałam w sobie na tyle silnej woli, żeby zdobyć się na wyrzeczenia w imię jakiejś sprawy. Szczerze podziwiam ludzi, którzy to potrafią.
Co do ciuchów czy dodatków, to nie mam możliwości sprawdzenia, w jaki sposób zostały wyprodukowane, ale jeśli są dopuszczone do sprzedaży, to zakładam, że wszystko odbyło się zgodnie z prawem i dlatego kupuję bez wyrzutów sumienia - taka moja pokrętna logika.
Fantastyczna tunika! Torba mi się podoba, natomiast jej pasek już nie - chociaż rozumiem, że odczepienie go taszczenie jej w ręce przez cały dzień może być mocno irytujące :)
śliczna szarość <3
Gorgeous grey blouse. I love it!
Całość jest bardzo ładna, ale torba rewelacyjna! Oryginalna i nietuzinkowa. Ma świetne uchwyty, nosiłabym ja w rece.
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